Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

afternoon picknic

Portland has had a weird summer that hasn't been like summer.
However, today we could get some nice summer moments,
so Milo had an afternoon picnic in our backyard.

1st Solid Food

On July 23rd, Milo tried his 1st solid food.
It was really soupy rice porridge, so we should have said "kinda solid food".

He had shown his interest in food, so he was ready to eat.
1st bite...
He was not sure...
But he kept eating, so he might like it!
This is the 2nd day:
Oh, what happened?
He grabbed the bowl
and decided to change his eating time to his bathing time...
Was he regretting???
Milo, eat well and grow well ;-)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Half Birthday

On July 13th, Milo's 6 months birthday, we went to Canby, OR
for blueberry picking.

Yes, blueberries!
We decided to fill this bucket.
Milo helped picking as well.
Do you want to try a fresh blueberry?
Oh, you want to pick one and try it!
It was little sour, huh...?
We picked and picked...
and filled the bucket up.
2 of them.
Yey, they looked so good.
yum yum.
Then the plastic bag broke, and another "picking" started...
Oh shoot...

At home, we celebrated Milo's 1/2 birthday
with Silas's handmade Blueberry Lemon custard pie!
It looked amazing, but what happened at the top right?
This was what happened!
Here is the 6 months old Milo!
We are so happy that he has smiled a lot lately.
He can sit on his own now,
and has been trying to crawl.

Happy Happy Birthday!
put your tongue back...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July vacation - 1

It's summer... It's the 4th of July...

So, we
(Silas who works sooooo hard on weekdays and weekends with his job,
Yuri who has not worked since last September,
and Milo who still acts like a baby who cannot work)
decided to go on a vacation!!!

On the 1st day, we drove down to southern Oregon
and found an isolated and quiet designated campsite.

It was "Big Pine Spur" campground.
It was a really cool campground.
Oh, where was Milo??

Of course...
in the plastic bin!!!
This time, he assigned himself as campsite supervisor.
Therefore, he checked his right...
and his left
- he took his duty pretty seriously -
He made sure that his dad washed his hands...
He made sure that nobody sneaked into the tent...
He made sure that Kip took enough food and water...
After he realized that the campsite was under good control,
he was getting hungry...
He got really hungry...
and got way too hungry...
Then, Milo got fed, and we left the campsite to head even further down south.
We drove to our favorite hills...
and left Oregon / entered to California!
After we stopped by some fishing spots...
After we hung out under the hot California sunshine...
After Milo threw all his toys and his hat on Kip...
We arrived at our final destination...
Mt Shasta!!!!!!!

- to be continued -