Saturday, November 30, 2013

family day at the skate park

We had another family day at Silas's skate park.

We forgot to take some photos when the boys were skating and riding their bikes,
but they were really good at whatever they were doing.
They looked more comfortable on their skateboards and bikes
even on the slopes or curves. 

They also played a lot on their butts too.

Snack Attack!

Silas happend to have this big boy toy as well,
and they enjoyed the unexpected fun ride.

They were pretty high up.

Aki and Milo were so hyped to find some lottery tickets too,

although they had no idea what the tickets were...

Friday, November 29, 2013


While many people were busy shopping on Black Friday,
we escaped from everybody and every stores 
and went to a hike/bike riding in "Stub" Stewart State park. 

Milo has had so much confidence on his bike,
and he could ride on it pretty much everywhere.

Look at his bike!
He is such an off-roader now.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!

As always, we drove down to Eugene 
to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family at Cecilia's house.
It was nice to hang out with our family and catch up.

They always make great dishes!

We got 7 different desert dishes too.

Bon Appétit.

This was what happened on them after they ate the classic Thanksgiving dinner.

Of course they played some music after the dinner.

Milo ate and played a lot, and he got so tired to keep partying with us.

Don't mess with Ben

He is a Jiu-Jutsu American gold medalist,
and Milo learned that the hard way...
(He tried to kick Ben out from the couch and this is what he got!)

farthers and sons

family walk before the Thanksgiving dinner

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

school report

Milo really likes art and craft activities.

Monday, November 25, 2013

some school photos

Milo played with train sets

made some baked ornaments,

and read some books in "elevator" (that's what the kids called.)

Milo's art

At Milo's classroom window,
all kids' arts have been displayed.

It looks like Milo has his own style of art (bottom right)!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Yuri's first Macrame piece.
A plant hanger.