Thursday, April 30, 2015

macrame magic

So, it has been for a while now
since Milo started "wearing" the macrame plant hanger Yuri made.
He has claimed that he could run faster and become stronger
with the "super hero" suits.
It is funny and cute, so we have let him do so.

Today, when I was not looking Keena,
she put the macrame plant hunger on her.
She was bouncing on the bed, so happy and stable.
Until this moment, we had never seen her moving like that!

This is the macrame magic!!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dickinson park

We found this new park, Dickinson Park, in our neigborhood.

This park was the perfect park for the boy who loves climbing and hunting.

He has been so into monkey bars.

Keena started playing at the play structures more too.

This park had grassy area as well,
and Milo was running around in the tall grasses.

He told me to film how fast he could run,
but it ended up like this:


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

miso workshop

Yuri's miso making workshop was mentioned in Edible Portland magazine.
She has been having the workshop once in a month.
The biggest purpose of the workshop is 
passing Japanese culture and customs to the local people
and having opportunities for the participants to socialize with others.
Although it is not easy to prepare for the class with two kids,
it has been really wonderful experience for her.

roller coaster

Milo made this - for the car to jump and go to the end. 
He is really good at making these roller coaster and building stuff with legos.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

garden party

So, we was invited to the garden party at our friend house.
I did not read the invitation well, and thought it would be a family garden party.
Actually, it was so elegant and sophisticated garden party for ladies.

Of course, I was the only one who brought kids
and let them play at the sand box...

Oh well, at least, they were so happy.

skate copa

There was Skate Copa contest at Silas's skate park.
the place was sooooooooo packed!

We went there to check it out and see some of our friends.
Milo tried to steel the trophy,

and Keena was excited more than anybody.

The event was pretty successfu.
Good job, Silas:)

construction vehicles

We got lots of hand-me down tracks from our neigbors.

scored, right?!

Friday, April 24, 2015

marshal park

Finally Marshal park got a playground
with some cool nature play area.
Oh we love this park!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

lunch time

*Milo tried to make a heart with his fingers too.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Robinwood park

Playing with papa looked really really fun!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

not quite

fussy boy could not get to the door...
not quite there yet...

green juice face

some photos from Rip

 from our hike to Wahclella Falls