Sunday, June 5, 2011

Some Pictures from Caleb

1 comment:

  1. hello dear ones.........its sooooooo fun to see you this way.......thank you for keeping me updated with these wonderful pics...........our babe is now 5 months old.!~ and how precious he is.....i love all his comments and your sweet rituals like the pear looking forward to possibly a short visit to see you right after the end of august........i have made a reservation to stay on lopez island in a little cottage sorta near peter.......and im looking forward to having some good time with little sarah and giordan........and at the end of my stay i was thinkng i would maybe take the train down to portland and see you all for a day or so, then fly home from there........ill of course be checking with you re your plans around that time as well......i look forward to seeing all my loved ones soon.......yet august still seems to far away........peace, love, hugs and kisses from me: GREATgrandmothersally.........x0x0x0x0


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