Thursday, June 11, 2015

rainbow bridge ceremonty

Today, Milo had his "rainbow bridge ceremony" at his school,
his graduation ceremony from his class.
Before the ceremony, he had the circle time with his friends.

Wasn't it just so magical to have this place as his campus?

During the ceremony, teacher Trent told everybody 
how sweet and energetic Milo was in his class,
(Milo wanted to wear his bowtie and the "rainbow" suspender for his graduation)

and he gave Milo the necklace with stone curved owl necklace top.

It had not been so easy for Milo to say bye to his parents in the morning,
and he cried so often.
Pretty much everyday, he said "I do not want to go school."
However, he had never said that the school was not fun when we picked him up.
Also, he loved all his fiends and "his" forest.

His imagination blew our mind all the time,
and we think that his school experience has helped him to keep being a "pure" child.
We were really proud of Milo who accomplished his first year,
and thank you for the people and nature who raised Milo with us.

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